Many people initially shy away from group therapy, but before long, they feel the warmth and comfort of the unique healing environment created when people share the same challenge. The exceptional mental health team at Greenpoint Psychotherapy offers group therapy for a wide range of goals and mental health conditions. Their group therapy is also done through telehealth, giving everyone in New York City and the Greater New York metropolitan area the opportunity to join. To learn more, call the office in the Greenpoint neighborhood of Brooklyn or use online booking today.

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What is group therapy?

Group therapy involves three or more people who share the same challenge or psychological disorder. A skilled therapist who specializes in the topic runs each group.

Your group therapist introduces talking points, provides information, and guides therapy (if appropriate for your group). They also encourage group members to share their feelings, experiences, challenges, and successes.

What are the benefits of group therapy?

When you’re in a group, you gain invaluable insight from others. You learn how they dealt with the same problems you face and discover pitfalls to avoid.

One of the best benefits is getting support and encouragement from the group. Being able to discuss issues with others working toward similar goals has an exceptional healing quality.

Many people feel uncomfortable about joining a group at first. But they soon feel at home as they realize the comfort and relief of talking with people who understand.

You get to connect with others and experience a true sense of community while working toward your goals.

What type of group therapy is available?

Greenpoint Psychotherapy runs several groups and keeps adding additional groups as new clients seek help. Groups cover many possible challenges.

Some groups focus on learning skills, such as social skills or anger management. Other groups treat mental health conditions, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mood disorders
  • Substance abuse and addiction
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

Psychoeducation — teaching the group about their diagnosis and treatment — is an integral part of all groups, but it may be the sole focus for some.

Some groups may follow a free-flowing conversational approach. Others may involve a specific type of therapy, like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), internal family systems (IFS), psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy, art therapy, or gestalt therapy.

How can I join group therapy?

If you already see a Greenpoint Psychotherapy provider, you only need to ask them about joining a group. If you’re not a client, you should schedule a telehealth appointment. After your therapist completes an evaluation, they discuss the best therapy for you.

Group therapy at Greenpoint Psychotherapy is set up so new people can join anytime. However, they require a commitment and dedication similar to individual or family therapy.

Call Greenpoint Psychotherapy or book online today to learn if you can improve your life with group therapy.